Thursday 23 February 2012

The One Week Job Project

I stumbled across this and can't help but think it's an amazing PR stunt and amazing project in general! One guy, 52 different jobs in 52 weeks.

Fantastic exposure for the guy involved, for any businesses who decide to have him work for them for a week, and for the Big Brothers Big Sisters mentors for young people program. Love it.

Maybe we can offer Paul a one week job at Central Institute? He is still looking for jobs for the near future! Keith, lets get this guy! Hehe.

Check it out :)

Saturday 18 February 2012

Looking at PR from two angles... a tale of Taylor Swift.

TAYLOR SWIFT. These two words brought about a strong reaction on my Facebook page when I mentioned that the people who handle the PR for her fragrance, Wonderstruck, had contacted me via my website and offered a complimentary ticket to see her concert @ Burswood Dome in March, and the chance to meet with the head PR honcho who handles the Wonderstruck account.

The thoughts and opinions of my Facebook friends:

1. "I think she is just adorable. Have a great time!"
2. "Aw I'm actually jealous, Taylor Swift is such a sweetheart! She's such a good role model for young girls"
3. "ewwwwwww :( shes cute but her music is the most boring thing i have ever listened to..."
4. "Eeeeeeew she's such a slut-shaming holier-than-thou terrible excuse for a role model for anyone. And her music sucks."
5. "Who?" 

While I'm not the biggest fan of her work by any stretch, I do think she is quite sweet and I have been known to bust out singing and dancing to "You Belong With Me" on various occasions!

Aside from getting to see a cute pop star, I feel this will be a very valuable networking (the million dollar word) opportunity as there will be other local beauty media there, not to mention of course one of the head PR account managers for Elizabeth Arden.

I feel lucky to be experiencing the wonder machine that is Public Relations from the viewpoint of a 'journalist' as well as a future PR practitioner, and I hope that this will give me a well-rounded knowledge of the overall art.

On a somewhat related note, Taylor Swift has 28,684,617 Facebook fans and one of her latest updates had 5,262 shares, 16,103 comments and 225,075 likes.  Can you imagine handling her social media? It would be more than a full-time job in itself!

Over & out.

Annette x

Monday 13 February 2012

What do I want out of this course?

Ah! The question on everyone's mind at the moment as we try and orient ourselves within the class and see what similarities and differences exist among us and our goals, and what a question it is. One that requires self-evaluation and the clarification of our expectations on why we are trading a year of our lives to participate in this course...


I chose to enrol in the Cert IV of Public Relations so that I have the best chance of making my (incredibly fascinating & well written ;) ) website, Wellness WA, successful in terms of:

1) Connecting with, and influencing readers to live a healthier and happier life by becoming a leader in this online realm in WA/Australia (I hope that doesn't sound like "I wanna be famous!", something our lecturer Mr Critchett warns us against!).

2) Self-promotion and showcasing my passion for wellness through the site, and using it as a tool to present myself as an attractive candidate for various positions that come up in the fields I am interested in, something that has already occurred on 2 occasions.

3) Monetisation of Wellness WA, by attracting, retaining and increasing my readership I am able to gain increased sponsorship and monetary support from companies who align with my brand.

I believe the course will help me to do all of this by equipping me with a deep background knowledge and (hopefully) self-confidence to pursue further opportunities and promote my brand fearlessly :)

As a secondary goal, I would love to work within the consumer beauty / healthy living / lifestyle PR industry at either a consultancy, or in-house for a brand I connect strongly with.

I would like to improve/gain the following skills: public speaking, editing, writing media releases, promotion, developing media relationships, networking.

At the end of the course I expect myself to have undergone some form of transformation, however small, and to be more confident in my abilities to make a valuable contribution to an organisation I care about.

And now for some light-hearted entertainment for those of you who've gotten this far:

An old joke, but this reminded me of Heather's Edit Texts class last week. Those baby seals just don't know when to hit the hay!

Annette x